Cascade C64/Amiga

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Cascade on other platforms

Yeah, finally Cascaders infiltrated other platforms besides C64 and Amiga. Well, of course this website was always a proof, that we didn't got completely stuck solely on retro machines, but now we can also present real releases for alternative platforms. Okay, it's only one, at the moment :-), but hopefully we'll manage to upload more stuff in the future.
Released: 11.02.2017

Here we have a neat oldschool style demo/music collection completely made in Javascript - no Flash was used. Coded by Phazor using a JS framework called CODEF (more info and examples can be found here). Select different musics by pressing space.

You can watch this demo offline by downloading, depacking and starting it with double click on "index.html", or, if you prefer to be lazy, simply click here and enjoy. Please note though, that the demo might run a bit too slow on weak powered mobile devices.

Cascaders involved in this production:
Phazor - Code + Text
Lester - Graphics
Skimmer - Musics
Zeldin - Text

Already seen?

Cascade Intro (1) - Cascade - Amiga Intros

Cascade Intro (1)
Cascade - Amiga Intro

Don't miss!

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We can also recommend to visit the following web resources:

Forum64 DoReCo - Dortmunder Retro Computer Treff Lemon64 Lemon Amiga C64 Intros Codebase 64 C64-Wiki Radio PARALAX Protovision Restore-Store ExoticA
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