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Online for You since 1996!

Hello an welcome.
This is the virtual home of the C64/Amiga scene group CASCADE.
Online for You since 1996!
Site Uploads and Changes

02.03.2025 - C64 related stuff
C64 Emulator/Tool "Denise V2.5" listed in category "C64 - Emulators and Tools" was recently uploaded or revised.

02.03.2025 - Amiga related stuff
Amiga Emulator/Tool "Denise V2.5" listed in category "Amiga - Emulators and Tools" was recently uploaded or revised.

24.12.2024 - C64 related stuff
C64 Emulator/Tool "Vice Emulator V3.9" listed in category "C64 - Emulators and Tools" was recently uploaded or revised.
Commodore News
...freshly fished out of the net...
17.02.2017 - SEUCK competition 2016
You can vote for your favorite game in the SEUCK competition 2016. The games are: Matador '16 - Igor Errazkin, 1917 - MiniMoog/Slavia, F-Clash 64 - Canseco, Bergbert 3 - The Blue Knight - Christian Siege / Phrentic Software, Border Blast 3 - Author: Alf Yngve, Antarta the Penguin - Igor Errazkin, Night of the Valkyrie - Eleanor Burns, Split Second - Alf Yngve and The Hunter - Egor Errazkin. 17.02.2017 - Fort Django v1.1 - C64
A new version of the game Fort Django for the Commodore C64 is now available. In the game you must shoot the bad guys, collect the bags and find the exit. If you play faster you will get more bonus. 17.02.2017 - PET keyboard - USB
AkBKukU developed an interface that makes it possible to connect a Commodore PET keyboard via USB to a modern PC. AkBKukU uses a Teensy++ for the interface. The source code is available on Github. 17.02.2017 - C64 - RAM repair
Victor Lancing made a video about repairing a Commodore C64. The fault was a bad RAM chip. You can watch how he finds the bad chip, removes it, and puts in a new chip. 17.02.2017 - Kick Assembler v4.8
The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Speed improvements, ByteDump, Labelscoping (if directive) and other small improvements. 17.02.2017 - HC508 Amiga 500 accelerator card
Mc68k has completed the first few 50 MHz HC508 Amiga 500 accelerator cards. The specifications are: 68HC000 CPU (50 MHz), 40 pin IDE connector (5 MB/s) for HDD, CD ROM etc., integrated CF card connector (3.2 MB/s), 8 MB Fast RAM and 512k FlashROM for Kickstart. 13.02.2017 - Scene World Podcast Episode #30
AJ and Joerg start off the year with an update from the MEGA65 team, Paul Gardner-Stephen, Andre Kudra, and Detlef Hastik. Other stuff mentioned: Return Magazin, Individual Computers, Cinemaware Retro, Defender of the Crown ZX Spectrum Limited Edition, 8 Bit Magazine, Atari Gameband, Madiha Al-husayni (Ms Mad Lemon), Unknown Realm - an 8-bit RPG for PC and C64, Pond Software... 10.02.2017 - Amiga laser tank mouse
Jesús de la Torre has developed an laser conversion kit for the Amiga tank mouse. The specifications are: Resolution up to 8500 DPI, independent resolution for X and Y axes, self-tuning and automatic sleep / wake-up funtion. 10.02.2017 - Retrohax: 1541
On the Retrohax web page you can see how to refurbish your Commodore 1541 disk drive. Retrohax cleans the drive mechanism, he de-yellows the outside and repairs the diskette lever. 10.02.2017 - ADFer v2.2
Rob Cranley release an update of ADFer. ADFer is based on ADF-Blitzer and makes it possible to transfer ADF images to and from the Amiga. Changes in this version: Support for RAD, verify, progress bar, cancel button, multi-disk writing and low memory mode (0.5 MB).
You can vote for your favorite game in the SEUCK competition 2016. The games are: Matador '16 - Igor Errazkin, 1917 - MiniMoog/Slavia, F-Clash 64 - Canseco, Bergbert 3 - The Blue Knight - Christian Siege / Phrentic Software, Border Blast 3 - Author: Alf Yngve, Antarta the Penguin - Igor Errazkin, Night of the Valkyrie - Eleanor Burns, Split Second - Alf Yngve and The Hunter - Egor Errazkin.
A new version of the game Fort Django for the Commodore C64 is now available. In the game you must shoot the bad guys, collect the bags and find the exit. If you play faster you will get more bonus.
AkBKukU developed an interface that makes it possible to connect a Commodore PET keyboard via USB to a modern PC. AkBKukU uses a Teensy++ for the interface. The source code is available on Github.
Victor Lancing made a video about repairing a Commodore C64. The fault was a bad RAM chip. You can watch how he finds the bad chip, removes it, and puts in a new chip.
The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Speed improvements, ByteDump, Labelscoping (if directive) and other small improvements.
Mc68k has completed the first few 50 MHz HC508 Amiga 500 accelerator cards. The specifications are: 68HC000 CPU (50 MHz), 40 pin IDE connector (5 MB/s) for HDD, CD ROM etc., integrated CF card connector (3.2 MB/s), 8 MB Fast RAM and 512k FlashROM for Kickstart.
AJ and Joerg start off the year with an update from the MEGA65 team, Paul Gardner-Stephen, Andre Kudra, and Detlef Hastik. Other stuff mentioned: Return Magazin, Individual Computers, Cinemaware Retro, Defender of the Crown ZX Spectrum Limited Edition, 8 Bit Magazine, Atari Gameband, Madiha Al-husayni (Ms Mad Lemon), Unknown Realm - an 8-bit RPG for PC and C64, Pond Software...
Jesús de la Torre has developed an laser conversion kit for the Amiga tank mouse. The specifications are: Resolution up to 8500 DPI, independent resolution for X and Y axes, self-tuning and automatic sleep / wake-up funtion.
On the Retrohax web page you can see how to refurbish your Commodore 1541 disk drive. Retrohax cleans the drive mechanism, he de-yellows the outside and repairs the diskette lever.
Rob Cranley release an update of ADFer. ADFer is based on ADF-Blitzer and makes it possible to transfer ADF images to and from the Amiga. Changes in this version: Support for RAD, verify, progress bar, cancel button, multi-disk writing and low memory mode (0.5 MB).
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Arguably one of the best vertical shoot-em-up games for C64
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