Cascade C64/Amiga

C64 News

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Here you will find the latest news about the hands down best 8-Bit home computer of all time: The famous Commodore 64, aka C64, aka breadbin. This ticker contains news about new game and hardware releases, latest video and podcast uploads, trivia and product information. All freshly fished from the web. RSS feed available!

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22.02.2025 - New retro book Kickstarter campaign - '?REDO FROM START - Volume I'
Commodore News - - external linkThis Hardback Book (English Edition) with 350 full-colour pages is a monumental work about the pioneering days of computer game design, starting with the significance of the Commodore 64 in 1982 to 1985. Numerous C64 heroes, some better known than others, answer a plethora of pressing questions about their formative years as game makers, providing a total of 64 interviews with a focus on the USA and Japan (volume 1) and with the second book in Canada and Europe (volume 2).
21.02.2025 - C64 BASIC Bouncing Pixel Inside Bouncing Sprite Optimization Challenge - video by '8-Bit Show And Tell'
Commodore News - - external linkWe've optimized the C64 BASIC bouncing ball program before, but how about optimizing a bouncing pixel ball within a sprite frame that also bounces around the screen? That's TWO things happening at once.
21.02.2025 - C64 Weekly #22 (Commodore 64 Scene Updates) - video by 'BastichB 64K'
Commodore News - - external linkLinks to all shown games, demos and music in the video description.
19.02.2025 - Protovision Shop: A Pig Quest carts available for shipping!
Commodore News - - external linkGreat news, the physical cartridge edition of A Pig Quest for C64 is no longer on pre-order, which means that any orders placed for this great game from now on will be shipped out within 1 to 3 weeks of placing your order.
18.02.2025 - The Unconverted : Volume 8 (Akalabeth : World of Doom /Ultima : Escape from Mt. Drash /Commodore 64) - video by 'BastichB 64K'
Commodore News - - external linkA look at a couple of newer conversions of games that were unavailable on the Commodore 64 until now. 'BastichB 64K' checks out Akalabeth World of Doom & Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash + their original versions.
17.02.2025 - C64 game 'Pirates of the Black Seas' released
Commodore News - - external linkPirates of the Black Seas is a text adventure game created with Loadstar's Quest Writer (Published on Loadstar #77 – created by Jon Mattson). The game takes place in the year 1668, and casts you as a young man who is serving as a cabin boy on a voyage that is seeking to rout those bad boys of the ocean, the Pirates of the Black Seas. You can get the game as digital download for a bargain (name your own price) to support the developer.
16.02.2025 - Video: WIP 5 of a new C64 RPG called 'Kouyate' by Sarah Jane Avory
Commodore News - - external linkEver since the 80s Sarah, who already brought us C64 hits like Briley Witch Chronicles, Zeta Wing and Neutron, always wanted to create an Ultima-style RPG for the C64, so she started creating one! This is the 5th video clip, and shows the WIP pirate's town, plus a bit of sailing (after acquiring a ship).
15.02.2025 - Video: WIP 4 of a new C64 RPG called 'Kouyate' by Sarah Jane Avory
Commodore News - - external linkEver since the 80s Sarah, who already brought us C64 hits like Briley Witch Chronicles, Zeta Wing and Neutron, always wanted to create an Ultima-style RPG for the C64, so she started creating one! This is the 4th video clip, and shows quite a few things that are now working!
14.02.2025 - C64 Quickload Episode #02 - Latest News & Releases for Commodore 64 - video by 'RetroGamerNation'
Commodore News - - external linkThe C64 Quickload is your concise guide to the latest news and releases for your Commodore 64 delivered in a quick format magazine style presentation.
12.02.2025 - C64 Weekly #21 (Commodore 64 Scene Updates) - video by 'BastichB 64K'
Commodore News - - external linkLinks to all shown games, demos and music in the video description.
11.02.2025 - C64 game 'Paper Toss' released - free for download
Commodore News - - external linkPaper Toss is the new one button game by Codey/Excess and a port of an online game. You can play with a joystick in port 1 or 2 or SPACE on the keyboard. Try to throw the paper balls into the trash can. After 3 points the difficulty will increase more and more. After a failed attempt the game is over. Game will create a file and save the highscores. Press the M key to choose between music and sfx only.
11.02.2025 - C64 game 'Safe Zone' released
Commodore News - - external linkSafe Zone is an Arabic-style board game that is somewhere between Halma and a sliding puzzle. You play against a computer opponent who is quite good at the game. The aim of the game is to move all 8 of your pieces within the inner 4x4 spaces of the safe zone. Whoever achieves this wins. You can get the game as digital download for a bargain (name your own price) to support the developer.
06.02.2025 - C64 game 'Mike Mech 2' released
Commodore News - - external link'Mike Mech 2' is a platformer game from LC-Games.The aim is to guide Mike, the on-board mechanic, inside the various cargo holds (four in total) and activate all the levers present in them. The player has the option to move through the rooms by jumping from platform to platform, using ladders, or riding elevators that move vertically or horizontally. You can get the game as digital download for a bargain (name your own price) to support the developer.
04.02.2025 - C64 Weekly #20 (Commodore 64 Scene Updates) - video by 'BastichB 64K'
Commodore News - - external linkLinks to all shown games, demos and music in the video description.
03.02.2025 - Ladybird (Commodore 64) Review - video by 'BastichB 64K'
Commodore News - - external linkReview for Icon 64's Ladybird for the Commodore 64.
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We can also recommend to visit the following web resources:

Forum64 DoReCo - Dortmunder Retro Computer Treff Lemon64 Lemon Amiga C64 Intros Codebase 64 C64-Wiki Radio PARALAX Protovision Restore-Store ExoticA
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