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VIC-20 News

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Here you will find the latest news about the VIC20, aka VIC-20, aka VC20 - the first home computer success of Commodore and predecessor of the C64. This ticker contains news about new game and hardware releases, latest video and podcast uploads, trivia and product information. All freshly fished from the web. RSS feed available!

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23.03.2025 - C64 game 'Invasion Anarchy' released - free for download
Commodore News - - external link'Invasion Anarchy' is a classic arcade shooter inspired by Invader Fall on the VIC-20. Made by Chris Page. It's an Invasion, and you're the only one who can stop it - prevent the aliens from reaching the bottom of the screen and capturing your fighter, as it's the only one you have.
15.03.2025 - VIC-20 game 'Formula V20 1981' released
Commodore News - - external linkFormula V20 '81 is a racing computer game for the 16k expanded Commodore VIC-20. It’s the prequel to Formula V20 '85. There are eight tracks, and the main goal is to beat the clock. Traverse each track while avoiding the competitor racing cars. There are tunnels where visibility is limited and sections where ice and sleet cover the track, which causes the player to skid wildly. You can get the game as digital downloads for a bargain (name your own price) to support the developer.
09.03.2025 - 'C=64 Copycat' and 'VIC-20 Copycat' released
Commodore News - - external linkC=64 Copycat and VIC-20 Copycat are adaptations of the classic memory game SIMON, originally created by Ralph Baer and Howard J. Morrison and distributed in 1978 by Milton Bradley (MB). You can get the games as digital downloads for a bargain (name your own price) to support the developer.
27.01.2025 - A Canadian VIC-20: No Big Deal, Eh? - video by '8-Bit Show And Tell'
Commodore News - - external linkRobin acquires a fairly-well preserved Canadian VIC-20 from his former co-worker's sister's ex-husband's wife's deceased aunt who had fortunately saved all the boxes and other packing material, including the bilingual slip box that goes over the usual American VIC-20 box, and the very rare "Viccessories" bonus pack. We go through this haul and compare this particular VIC-20 to others in Robin's collection with a focus on the differences in keyboards and power supplies. Then we try to power up this VIC-20 for the first time in maybe 42 years - it sort of works - and play some games and do some tests on it. And of course, 10 PRINT.
26.01.2025 - VIC-20 game collection 'Goal - Hockey Soccer Football' released
Commodore News - - external linkThis is a collection of simple sports games made many years ago, but not released until now. These are very simple games played with the keyboard. Keys shown at the top of each side of the screen. You can get the games as digital download for little money (name your own price) to support the developer.
25.01.2025 - C64 game 'Ultima - Escape from Mt Drash' released - free for download
Commodore News - - external link'Ultima - Escape from Mt Drash' is a role-playing video game published for the VIC-20 home computer by Sierra On-Line in 1983. Thanks to Aleksi Eeben this game was now ported to the C64. The game itself is a very simple series of three-dimensional randomly generated dungeons, and the idea is to destroy all monsters that stand in way and exit to the next level.
20.01.2025 - VIC-20 port of 'Elite' released - free for download
Commodore News - - external linkElite is a space trading video game, written and developed by David Braben and Ian Bell in 1984 for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron. While there have been ports for many home computers of the 80s, there is now also a port for theVIC-20 (32K + 3K RAM expansion required) thanks to Aleksi Eeben. VIC-20 Elite is based on the C64 source, VIC-20 specific graphics, text, keyboard & joystick input, and sound routines were written from scratch to replace the corresponding C64 code.
11.01.2025 - The Slot-tastic VIC20 Slot Machine for Commodore VIC-20
Commodore News - - external linkThe Slot-tastic VIC20 Slot Machine is a VIC-20 V2 BASIC mini-game developed by Alberto (BCO) Sgaggero in 2024, created for the Slot Machine game simulation challenge promoted by the Facebook group Retro Programmers Inside. You can get the game as digital download for a bargain (name your own price) to support the developer.
11.01.2025 - Video: VIC-20 Elite Preview (9 Jan 2025)
Commodore News - - external linkOver the past weeks, Aleksi Eeben has been working on a Commodore VIC-20 port of Elite, the legendary open-world space trading, exploration, survival, combat, and you-name-it game.It's almost ready for release, but there's still a few little things to iron out.
02.01.2025 - VIC-20 game 'Doodlebug' released - free for download
Commodore News - - external link'Doodlebug' is a platformer game originally made for Spectrum with MPAGD (Multi platform arcade game designer) and was now ported to VIC-20 (+35K). The game can be downloaded played directly in your browser.
01.01.2025 - Video: VIC-20 Elite Preview (30 Dec 2024)
Commodore News - - external linkOver the past two weeks, Aleksi Eeben has been working on a Commodore VIC-20 port of Elite, the legendary open-world space trading, exploration, survival, combat, and you-name-it game. It’s already quite playable and looking mighty fine!
26.12.2024 - 'Hero Fantasy:The Kings Sword' - game for C64 and VIC-20 released - free for download
Commodore News - - external link'Hero Fantasy:The Kings Sword' is a dungeon crawler for C64 and VIC-20 (+ 8KB). You have to find the sword to hope to defeat a necomformer who threatens the world. There are four levels in the dungeon. Objects to collect. Monsters to kill...
24.12.2024 - VIC-20 game 'Pacific Air War' released
Commodore News - - external linkPacific Air War (P.A.W) is a nice homage to the classic arcade game 1942 for VIC-20 +24k. You can get the game as digital download for a bargain (name your own price) to support the developer.
01.12.2024 - VIC-20 game 'Jumpin'Claus' released - free for download
Commodore News - - external link'Jumpin'Claus' is a classic platform game written 100% in Basic for the unexpanded VIC-20.
12.11.2024 - 'VIC-20 2FER' - 4 games compilation released
Commodore News - - external link'VIC-20 2FER' is a collection of 4 games for VIC-20 (+ 24k). Jumpman Pete is a homage to early 1980s platform games. Island Beach Head is a homage to the classic C64 Beach Head game. Pipes and flood are just two small games with some interesting mechanics. You can get the games as digital download for little money (name your own price) to support the developer.
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