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Plus/4 (and C16/C116) News

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Here you will find all the latest news about the 264er series home computers from Commodore - namely Plus/4, C16 and c116. This ticker contains news about new game and hardware releases, latest video and podcast uploads, trivia and product information. All freshly fished from the web. RSS feed available!

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31.03.2017 - 1551USB
Cbmhardware is building an interface between the Commodore Plus/4 and a PC. He uses an Arduino Uno that connects to the cartridge port of the Commodore Plus/4 and to the USB of the PC. The transfer rates are 6 kB/s and software for the Commodore Plus/4, the Aruino Uno and the PC is available.
31.03.2017 - Plus/4 World
The Plus/4 World has added many new items: Letter Sequences/Long And Short, Maze Mania, Mindbenders, Savage Collection N.2, Al Ladro / Briscola, Jackson Soft Compilation 3, Software Club #15, Star Wars, C16 Super Games 1, C16 Super Games 2, Olimpia 1 / Evadere and Math Games And Word Problems.
24.03.2017 - Venice Carnival - Plus/4
Zoltán (MMS) made a picture show for the Commodore Plus/4. The picture show has 12 HFLI images, all about the Venice Carnival.
17.03.2017 - Club Info 145
In this German language d64 magazine for the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4 the following articles: Forum, Scene, Tips & Tricks, Gradm. In Bogenm., Gr. Gem. Teiler, Matatu, 1010, Spionsuche, Castle, Matcher, Exorcist, Pearl Diver, Blasto, Brickhunter, Flappy Dot, Wallbreak, Computerspass, Hardwar (7501), Uninvited, Music Composer Synth, and Andere Systemen.
10.03.2017 - YAPE v1.1.1
A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: Improvements for the T6721A speech LSI emulation, vblanking, screenshot, TED bitmap DMA bank switching, tape and the assembler (BRK mnemonic).
03.03.2017 - Slipstream - Plus/4
Slipstream is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 (and C64) made by: Stephan Mader (code), Rainer Mühr (graphics), Ingo Jache and Ronny Krueger (music). The game is a fast-paced 3D space shooter and you must fight the enemy forces in five different galaxies.
03.03.2017 - Plus4emu v1.2.10.1
Istvan Varga released an update for his Commodore Plus/4 emulator for Linux, MacOS and Windows. Changes in this version: Fixed a preview bug in p4fliconv.
03.02.2017 - Genius - Plus/4
Twinspirit32 released the game Genius for the Commodore Plus/4. In the game you are in a dream world and must run through 8 toy warehouses. The game is compatible with PAL and NTSC.
20.01.2017 - Plus/4 covers, photos and TAP files
On the Plus/4 World web page you can find many new covers, photos and TAP files: A Helyhatározó, A Kérdõ Névmás És A Mutató Névmás, A Határozói Igenév, Tulajdonnevek, Pattinka, Szemirámisz, Breki, Tányértorony, Kis Professzor, Music-16, Térbeli Amõba, Bolyongás A Labirintusban, Játék POKE-ok C-16-ra, Magician's Curse 5 and Cave Fighter.
20.01.2017 - Chicken Lips Radio #010
Chicken Lips Radio is a Podcast for the Commodore user. In this episode: TNMOC, Bil Herd's HerdWare CPLD, ARMIGA, CP/M Infocom C128, C64 Banner, Amiga 1200 Keycaps, Slack Client C64, CommVEX 2017, Mega65, Eaten By A Grue, Commodore 65 - eBay, DreamPi, Amiga 500 Flash ROM, Plus/4, C116, C16 - PLA Chip and Quick Boot GEOS.
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